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Scalable Ultra-High Throughput 8/10/12-bit JPEG Decoder

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The UHT-JPEG-D core from Alma Technologies is a scalable, ultra-high throughput, 8-bit Baseline and 10/12-bit Extended hardware JPEG decoder, designed to provide all the power needed in modern image and Ultra HD video compression applications. The scalability of this IP core enables highly cost-effective silicon implementations of applications that need to handle massive pixel rates and resolutions. The UHT-JPEG-D is available for ASIC or AMD-Xilinx, Efinix, Intel, Lattice and Microchip FPGA and SoC based designs.

The UHT-JPEG-D accepts the standalone and standard compliant JPEG byte stream generated by the Alma Technologies UHT-JPEG-E encoder, or other compatible¹ JPEG byte stream, and outputs the decoded data in interleaved raster scan format. It supports decoding of 4:4:4, 4:2:2, 4:2:0 and 4:0:0 (grayscale) image or video streams, in 8-, 10- or 12-bit per component sample depths. The UHT-JPEG-D can be implemented using only on-chip memory resources, while using off-chip memory too is also natively supported. Designed with a user configurable architecture, the decoder scales to offer a sustained decoding throughput from 1 to 32 samples per clock cycle.

<nobr>UHT-JPEG-D</nobr> block diagram | Alma Technologies

Using multiple internal processing engines, the UHT-JPEG-D offers the needed performance through its scalable parallel architecture. The input JPEG stream is split internally into chunks and each chunk is assigned to one of multiple internal decoding units. This is done in a way which is totally transparent to the system utilizing the IP, abstracting all the parallelization complexity from the rest SoC components. The number of internal decoding units is configurable before synthesis, adapting to the implementation technology speed, and non-critical resources are shared between the multiple engines.

The UHT-JPEG-D uses a single compressed data input interface and produces raster scan interleaved decoded image or video data through a single - multiple pixels - output interface. Its operation is completely standalone, without needing any host CPU or GPU power.

The UHT-JPEG-D core is designed with simple, fully controllable and FIFO-like, streaming input and output interfaces. Being carefully designed and rigorously verified, the UHT-JPEG-D is a reliable and easy-to-use and integrate IP.

IP Deliverables

Clear-text RTL sources for ASIC designs, or pre-synthesized and verified Netlist for FPGA and SoC devices

Release Notes, Design Specification and Integration Manual documents

Bit Accurate Model (BAM) and test vector generation binaries, including sample scripts

Pre-compiled RTL simulation model and gate-level simulation netlist for the FPGA Netlist license

Self-checking testbench environment sources, including sample BAM generated test cases

Simulation and sample Synthesis (for ASICs) or Place & Route (for FPGAs) scripts

Notes :
¹Please refer to the Specifications tab for limitations that may apply when using a third-party JPEG encoder.

Specifications »

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